Stage Fright

by Ronald Rotich

Overcoming Stage Fright

Stepping out on stage is a nerve-racking experience! Performance anxiety can overwhelm even the most talented singers, actors, and public speakers. Do you wish you could overcome stage fright, step out with confidence, and give your all to each performance without overthinking?


With this 8-minute audio tool, you can learn to prosper in that nervousness, harnessing it to focus your energy and enhance your performance.

Reframe Your Thinking & Remove Negativity

Retain control of your mind, don’t let negative thoughts take over, and focus on executing the perfect performance. Often, you’ll find yourself thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong with a performance. We’ll shift your mindset, helping your subconscious produce positive thoughts and enabling you to envisage and execute the perfect performance.
Try out now:

Stage Fright


Step out Onstage with Confidence

Harnessing nervous energy correctly is what makes for an incredible performance. Rather than viewing nervousness as detrimental, this IMST teaches you how to view it positively. Experience it as excitement, anticipation, and invigoration, empowering you to walk onto the stage with confidence flowing, ready to give the performance of your life.

How to Overcome Stage Fright

8 minutes of immersive audio have the power to transform your pre-performance routine, feelings, and visualization. Successfully engaging and preparing your mind to perform enables you to overcome feelings of doubt, nervousness, and negativity and replace them with confidence, belief, and positivity.

Mentally Prepare to Perform at Your Peak

Develop your own pre-performance routine that eliminates negativity, harnesses confidence, and enables you to perform at your peak every time. All world-class performers and athletes have unique routines to prepare mentally for success. Mental preparation is crucial to delivering your best. This IMST helps you do that!

Ronald Rotich

Prominent speaking coach, life coach, and presidential speechwriter who has won many awards as a speaker himself

Ronald Rotich is a highly sought-after speaker, speech writer for presidential campaigns and life coach who has won many accolades. He has used his talent to become a prominent business and personal coach and has trained major organizations on public speaking and personal branding.
Who would have known that, early in his career, Ronald struggled with public speaking himself!
But that is what makes him the perfect coach for you, to assist you with your stage fright issues. Learn from the grandmaster himself.

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